5 Reasons to plan your winter travel now

Reasons to Plan your Holiday Vacation early

I often get asked “Nikki, when should I start planning my winter travel.” You should start planning your holiday travel as soon as you know you’d like to have a vacation…..so NOW!

Planning for your winter vacation early is the best way to ensure you will have a fantastic trip. Early planning will even help you enjoy winter more as you will have a fun getaway to look forward to. Asking for the time off early for your holiday vacation is a great way to get the time off approved and you won’t have to fight with other co-workers for the time off. The more time you have to plan your winter getaway the more options you will have to pick from! The early bird really does get the worm when planning for holiday travel! 


Here are my top 5 reasons why you should plan your winter getaway early 

1) You’ll have more options for Your Holiday Travel

Trust me, you are not the only one whose travel plans have been canceled, rescheduled, and pushed off for the past 18 months due to the pandemic. There are lots of families out there who are just itching to get out and travel. All of that pent-up demand is leading to limited availability around the world! There are fewer hotel rooms available since 2019 but there are WAY MORE people wanting to travel. This is a classic supply and demand issue. The supply is low and the demand is high. That is leading us to see increased costs for winter travel and holiday travel. This can really be seen in destinations, such as Hawaii, where rental cars are a necessity. The rental car companies sold off a lot of their fleet during the pandemic. That means that rental cars are in high demand and pricing is at a premium.  Planning for your winter vacation NOW is the best advice I have to give you for making sure you have the greatest amount of options and are not left selecting from the crumbs left by others. 

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2) You’ll have more time to plan your holiday travel

Planning your winter getaway early is the best way to make sure you and your family will actually TRAVEL on the trip, have valuable time away from home together, and make those magical memories. Do NOT wait for any special promotions or discounts to come up for winter travel. Those are few and far between on a “normal” year and they are just about non-existent this year. (Remember that supply and demand bit earlier?). The more time you have to plan your winter vacation the more options you are going to have! Making reservations early allows you more hotel options, more flight options and you are not stuck with leftovers  (which are generally either on the high-end luxury side of the scale or very very budget end ie- no one wants to stay there side of the scale). Working together with your trusted travel agency and planning your winter travel early will ensure you won’t feel like you have to give up your dream of going on your family’s holiday trip because you can’t find the last-minute option you had your heart set on. 


3) You’ll be more likely to go on your winter trip

Since you took advantage of reason number 2 you will be able to enjoy reason number 3 for planning your winter getaway early and ACTUALLY take your holiday vacation! No one likes to feel frustrated, annoyed, or angry when making their holiday travel plans. When you plan your winter trip early you will be more likely to GO on the trip as the planning process will be smooth. Your tickets will be secured, you’ll have your winter trip paid for in advance and there will be nothing getting in the way of your holiday travels.

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4) You’ll enjoy winter more once you have your winter travel reserved

Are you one who dreads winter? Do you hate the shorter days? Does cold weather get you in a bad mood? Planning your holiday travel early will help you get past all of the winter negatives! You will have the perfect winter getaway all reserved and will have something bright to look forward to. Securing your winter trip early will help keep you in a happy mindset. Nothing will get you down as you know you are getting away this winter! 

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5) You’ll secure your holiday time off early and it will be more likely to be approved by your boss

Are you tired of always being denied your time off requests? Does Karen always get her vacation time approved RIGHT before you? When you plan your holiday vacation early and ask for your time off well in advance you will be in the best position to get your request approved. Planning your winter vacation early will let you get your vacation request in before your fellow co-workers, leading to it being approved first! A vacation on the books in advance will give you a little extra pep in your step every day in the office because you have your getaway approved by the boss and nothing is holding you back now! 


Are you ready to start planning for your winter travel now?

There is no reason to not begin your holiday travel and winter vacation right now! The benefits of early planning far outweigh the negatives of last-minute winter travel planning headaches. Early planning gives you so many options, a wider variety of price ranges, and guarantees your holiday vacation will happen. Your reservations will be made and your time off will be approved well in advance of your flight’s departure. You will now be able to kick back and enjoy summer knowing that come winter YOU will be off to paradise. 
